Didn't know what category to include this under so here you go. So many recipes call for bread crumbs and you can either pay $5 or more for a can of organic, store bought, still processed and preserved bread crumbs or you can make your own in 30 seconds or less.

It seemed like I always was tossing out ends plus a few pieces of 2-3 day old bread. Honestly it gets crumbly and hard after a couple days and is not worth talking the kids into eating.
Then, one day, HARK! An idea. I was out of bread crumbs and making meatballs or something so it suddenly dawned on me that I could just toss some crusts of my homemade bread (or if you use whole grain store bought bread) intothe food processor and whala! Bread crumbs.
If you really want to get fancy and make italien bread crumbs which I definitely recommend for Italien meatballs, add some dried oregano, basil, sea salt, and pepper to your tastebuds desires flavoring. Then process. I do this all the time and freeze them in 1 cup servings in freezer bags so I always have them on hand and don't need to measure.

2-3 day old bread (yes I have used fresh bread in emergencies and that is fine too)

Break apart and toss into food processor. Process. Use.